ManMaker: Brian Vann, with a Studio Tour!

created at: 02/11/2010

Brian Vann is a master steamster from San Francisco who makes [mostly] handbags and totes out of vintage fabric. He recently reorganized his studio, and took lots of photos. ReadyMade mag’s Make Nice blog recently highlighted his creative space.

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A vintage soap dish, magentized to catch pins, and Brian’s platter collection:

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Super effecient, and quite attractive, storage:

My Happy Place III by brianinsanfran.

See more of Brian’s studio on Flickr, and then see his goodies on Etsy.

So, discuss please: Brian is a creative person trying to make a living as a crafter (I have no idea if he’s full time or not) and he makes handmade objects…for, well presumably, women.

Certainly, not all men who craft make stuff for women. But what does this evoke about inevitable fate of the crafty guy? What sort of issues around taste, crafts, and gender does Brian’s work and his studio bring up? Brian’s work space is, to be honest, pretty traditionally feminine.

Really, I’d like your thoughts. And Brian, if you happen to see this, PLEASE weigh in.