A Note to Self…

created at: 08/04/2015Note to Self: August 6, 2015      

Don’t forget: there are imperceivable benefits to vacation. Not just taking in new sites, not just get great Instagram shots, not just trying new restaurants. But – not working is good for you. Especially when you’ve been going non-stop and don’t have traditional weekends and work days and paid time off and you’re job is fun and exciting and challenging all the time. There are things that happen when you see some place new and get the *&@# away from your computer.

By the time this goes live, I’ll be away for the rest of the week. Today, I’m taking on a 101-mile bike ride (doing this out and back), and over the weekend, I’m going backpacking in Olympic National Park. We’re trying to get this route in as best we can, inspired by this article in Backpacker. 

I’ll see you on Monday. 

[Photo by Joel W. Rogers for Backpacker Magazine]