60 Easy Garage Organization Ideas That Actually Work
Proper storage can go a long, long way. Not only does it look infinitely better, but it also means finding what you are looking for without a big, painful expedition. But how can you maximize your storage so that it makes sense for you?
There are a ton of DIY storage and garage organization options out there. You can implement overhead storage, but wall shelving and storage are the best bet. With Pegboard, hooks, shelving, and others, you can create the perfect amount of organization and find whatever you are looking for in no time at all.
1.) Garden Storage Station

While it is quite easy to find storage options for things like shovels, rakes, and all the longer tools in your life, it may not be so easy to have other storage options. But with simple shelving and a simple tabletop mounted to a wall, you can create the perfect garden storage station. Keep your boots, watering can, seeds, and anything else that you might need all in one convenient space.
2.) Screwdriver Storage Rack

Even the most amateur of DIYers out there makes use of screwdrivers time and again. You will also come to find that you need a plethora of different sizes to accommodate your needs. So why not keep them all in a simple, neat storage option? With a simple shelf – and a few holes across the middle – you can keep your screwdrivers neatly and securely organized in one space.
3.) DIY Tape Dispenser

Odds are that you are going to need tape at some point. Whether it be painter’s tape, masking tape, duct tape, or whatever, you know the hassle that can come with not only finding some but getting it to rip neatly. But with a little wood and a hacksaw blade, you can not only create a rack that holds your favorite tapes but rips off pieces easily. It really is the best option for tape storage out there.
4.) Spray Paint Rack

For the crafty or artistic among us, there is a good chance that spray paint will play a role in your life. When you begin to accumulate different colors, they can take up space quickly. But there is no better way to organize them than through a custom rack. Having a custom rack means organizing by color and easily accessing the different colors when you need them. All in a need, attractive way.
5.) Easy Screw Storage

Having spare nails and screws can come in handy when you least expect. But storing them can turn into a huge mess if you aren’t careful. Thankfully, there are more than a few easy ways to neatly store your spare options. Try using ice trays for storage. They tuck neatly into drawers and allow you to see all of the extras that you may have available to you.
6.) Garden Storage Shelves

This is not the shelving that you think it is. With just a few wood boards and a few slots carved out, you can mount any of the long, awkward outdoor tools that you need. It is a simple, effective way to keep these tools off the floor and safely stored. Best of all, it is a project that should reasonably be done within an hour or two.
7.) Ball Storage

Whether you have a family that plays or just happens to be really active and athletic, there can come to be an assortment of sports-related balls. Basketballs, baseballs, soccer balls, volleyballs, footballs, and more can quickly litter your space. But with a few simple brackets and retractable nets, you can have more than ample storage space that is easy to access yet out of the way. It is the perfect solution for the active family members in your life.
8.) Sporting Goods Storage

The athletes among us typically like to partake in more than a few physical activities. But having the equipment to play those sports means taking up quite a bit of space. Whether it be balls, rackets, bats, or something else, you can accommodate. Custom shelves can keep gloves in place. Bungee cords attached to two pieces of shelving can create a flexible ball storage option. The possibilities are limitless.
9.) Fastener Storage Jars

If keeping spare fasteners and loose odds and ends in an ice tray is a little too precarious for you, there are other options. If you have a lot of screws and nails, for instance, you can use household storage containers. Not only are they clear so you can see what’s inside, but they have a neat aesthetic to them that doesn’t lend itself to the messy nature of many DIYers.
10.) Simple Toy Storage

The garage can make for a great activity space for kids. But it can be all too easy for toys to litter and clutter the entire space. With a few simple baskets and screws, you can create a countertop or wall-mounted storage solution. Each basket can be labeled for its desired purpose, making it easier than ever to find the toys that you want and to put them away when it comes time. Kids will be messy but their toys can be stored as neatly as possible.
11.) Wall Mounted Hardware Storage

Maybe you have accumulated or work with far too much hardware to stick it in some jars. You need to organize by size so that you can find what you need when you need it. Thankfully, colorized storage bins are available for cheap from the hardware store. With either pegboard or metal pegboard, you can mount them in a way that makes it easier to find different sizes and get what you need in short order.
12.) PVC Tool Holders

Having quick access to the tools that we need is just as important as anything. You don’t want to waste time looking for the right drill and hoping that the battery is there with it, too. But with a little bit of super glue and some PVC piping, you can create holders for all of your important tools. Simply slide them in and out of the storage to access them easily and quickly. That means keeping your tools at the ready without having them be in the way.
13.) Bike Rack

Loving the outdoors can mean different things to different people. If you like to get out and hit the trails on your bike, you know that storage is important. You can’t just leave your bike sitting out because not only is it in the way, but it can get damaged in the process. With just a rod, some hooks and some screws, you can create a DIY bike rack that can hold as many different bikes as you require.
14.) Magnetic Drill Bit Strips

So, you have the right drill for the job but what about the right bit? Bits can be one of the most difficult to store in a convenient, organized way. But with a block of wood and a pair of magnetic strips embedded just below the surface, you can easily find the bit that you need. Simply stick them to the magnetic strip and you can see which bits you have available. Simple yet effective.
15.) Over the Door Storage

Sometimes we spend so much time looking at the walls that we forget that the back of the door offers storage space as well. With a simple over-the-door shoe organizer, you can use it to store paint accessories. Whether it be spray paint cans, rollers, roller covers, or something else entirely, you can make the most of the space on the back of your door for storage purposes.
16.) Wall Mounted Toy Storage

Not every toy that your children have can fit neatly into a bin. And the older they get, the larger their “toys” seem to get. Maybe they have scooters, hula hoops, and helmets that they use on a regular basis but don’t have anywhere to put. With a board and some screw-mounted hooks, you can keep stuff hung neatly and easily accessible for future use.
17.) Storing Leftover Paint

Who doesn’t have a little bit of leftover paint from a DIY project? Whether you are painting a room or the outside of the house, you are bound to have some left. But storing these big, cumbersome paint cans can be a real hassle. So why not make something a bit nicer and neater? With some old masonry jars, you never have to wonder what color paint you have again. Easy to store, easy to access, and easy to use.
18.) Mudroom Sports

The older your kids get, the more they tend to fall into activities. Sports are one of the most common activities, whether it be baseball, football, soccer, or something else. But there’s a lot of equipment that needs storing. Well, with a few mounted cubs and a simple shoe rack, you can meet those needs. Keep shoes in labeled bins underneath, uniforms hung up on hooks and accessories that are kept
19.) Garage Shelving

Why not start with the simplest, most desired option? With your favorite wood, you can create storage shelves that fit your needs. Best of all, they mount to the walls of your garage so that they are secure and out of the way. You can keep anything that you need on these shelves, making them as simple or as versatile as you want them to be.
20.) Mastic Tube Organizer

When you get far enough into being a DIY handyman, you accumulate more than a few things. You may find that caulk and other sealants are among them. You could throw them in a drawer, but that is inviting mess and disorganization. With a few half-cut pieces of PVC pipe, you can create holders for all of your tubes.
21.) Simple Storage Rack

Not everything on the list has to be built from scratch. With some simple storage shelves, you can create the optimal storage situation. Add a few bins with custom labels and you can get as organized as you want to be. It doesn’t all have to be a big project when it comes to your garage or outdoor storage options.
22.) Pallet Organizer

You would be surprised at the sheer amount of uses that you can get out of a pallet. They can be repurposed for so many DIY needs. For the amateur gardeners, keeping rakes, hoes, shovels, and the like can be messy and disorganized. But with a pallet simply painted and nailed into place, you can safely store all of those things with no issue.
23.) Hanging Chair Storage

If you host on a fair number of occasions, there is a chance that you have folding chairs in your home. They can be a little difficult to store as there is always the chance that they could fall down at a moment’s notice. But with a few simple large hooks, you can keep them out of the way. Simply mount them to a wall and keep as many as you need to have. It is a great way to ensure that everyone has seating whenever it is needed.
24.) Simple Wall Shelves

You have a lot of vertical space on your walls to take advantage of. With some simple vertical shelves, you can make the most of that space. The idea is to have a little organization. Maybe bigger, wider shelves to accommodate things like totes while smaller shelves are for little bins and loose pieces. With these simple shelves, you can get the clutter off the floor and organized onto the walls.
25.) Wall Hooks

The goal should be simple when it comes to garage organization. While it can be easy to throw things into bins and stack them, that doesn’t work for everything. With big, awkward items, wall hooks can be your best friend. They can then be neatly stored on walls and easily accessible without having to take up valuable floor space.
26.) DIY Tool Boxes

Don’t have a toolbox? No problem! With a few plastic containers, you can create the same useful organization at a fraction of the cost. Grab a few plastic containers from your local craft store. They either come with trays inside or you can buy them separately. Great for small tools, fasteners and all the other small bits that are all too easily lost.
27.) Shutter Garden Storage

Much in the same way as you would use pegboard, you can use shutters as storage options, too. If you want to create a chic, stylish option for storing your gardening options, you can repurpose old shutters for just such an occasion. Mount with assorted hooks and you can create an old-school rustic feel that serves a much more functional purpose. Mounted on a garage wall, you can create the perfect garden storage.
28.) Hose Holder

Hoses are one of those things that can get unruly quickly. Thankfully, you can keep them organized just as easily. With a wall-mounted hook and a wrap-it Velcro wrap, you can keep even the largest of hoses neatly organized. Not only will it result in less mess, but you run far lesser a chance of damaging or ruining the hose than if it is left on the ground.
29.) DIY Tool Rack

Keeping hand tools – mallets, hammers, screwdrivers, saws, etc. – neatly organized can be something of a challenge. But with a DIY tool rack, you can store what you need neatly. All it takes is attaching a few holders into a wooden slat board and you can create the perfect storage no matter how awkward the shape of the tool. It really is the perfect option for finding the necessary tools quickly and easily.
30.) Overhead Storage

Not everyone has a huge garage in which to work with. So, why not make use of the overhead space you have available? There are ready-made racks but you can also construct one with a few brackets and pieces of metal shelving. With overhead space, you don’t have to worry about running out of wall space for your storage needs.
31.) Storage Cabinet

The good thing about this option is that you can go one of two ways. You can keep simple and buy a storage unit from your local home goods store. There are different options available to suit your storage needs. Or you can build a simple cabinet with a few shelves. Whichever direction you choose, you can keep any number of things safely put away and find them whenever that time comes.
32.) DIY Workbench

When you own your own home, having tools becomes a must. Things come up all the time, both big and small. Having the right tools takes time but eventually, you will have more tools than you know what to do with. With a simple workbench, you can have a designated place to work on projects and even some drawer space for your hand tools if you want to get creative.
33.) Simple Pet Storage

Many of us have our own furry family members. That means having a plethora of things like toys, leashes, treats, and so on to store. With simple, stackable wire containers (you can go plastic, too), you can have ample storage space without having to take up much space. Keep all that you need in easily accessible areas.
34.) Milk Crate Storage

You would be surprised at how much you can achieve with simple “throwaway” items. Milk crates, which are generally just known as plastic crates, don’t get as much use as they should. But they can make for a great storage option. If you have bottles – cleaners, soda, windshield fluid, etc. – and can’t find a spot for them, pop them in a crate and onto a shelf. Quick, easy storage that barely costs anything.
35.) Extension Cord Storage

With a simple bracket and some mountable hooks, you can achieve much more than you ever realized. For one, extension cords can take up a lot of space when they are not properly coiled. With a simple hook, you can keep them neatly coiled until the next time that you use them. No untangling, no fighting with it to keep it neat.
36.) Slat Wall

Not everything fits neatly into perfectly storable containers. Whether you have little racks, plastic containers, shovels, dustpans, or a million different things, they can all fit in their own way. But with a slat wall and a few accompanying hooks, you can create the perfect storage option. Keep everything you want easily accessible and neatly organized like never before. You will never wonder where you kept this thing or that ever again.
37.) Simple Recycle Station

For those who have an eye towards environmental consciences, recycling is key. But what is the best way to go about it? Well, you can use simple plastic bins stacked on one another to create a simple but effective recycling station. You can even find a basic trash can, slide a divider in the middle and use it for dual recycling efficiency.
38.) Lockers

Have cabinetry space but you’re tired of looking at the same old cabinets? Switch it up and add a little flair by installing lockers. Remember the little square lockers from our school days? Well, they can serve as a DIY storage option instead. You can even padlock them to get the full nostalgic look. You can probably find lockers second-hand for fairly cheap, too. Nothing better than getting a unique look for a few bucks, right?
39.) Tiered Drawers

Not every DIY organization option has to take DIY skills. If you are looking for an effective way to create drawer storage, you can tier your drawers. With a few simple sliding brackets, you can create a mounted wooden surface that has shelving beneath. Make them start small and build up to bigger storage options for the optimal storage space.
40.) Rollable Storage

For those taller, awkward items – pool noodles, baseball bats, hockey sticks, yoga mats – you need to use a little bit of creativity. With a simple square of wood or steel grating, you can mount some wheels and a tall steel mesh basket. All of the sudden, you have portable storage solutions for even the biggest and most awkward of items in your garage.
41.) Fishing Rod Rack

The fishermen out there have more than their fair share of tools of the trade. Tackleboxes can be relatively easily stored, but what about rods? They are, after all, quite easily damaged, bent, or broken. But with a few simple metal storage racks mounted to your walls or ceiling, you can hold the rods safely and securely. Best of all, they are out of the way of potential damage.
42.) Portable Closet

Don’t overlook the potential organization that a portable closet offers. You can hang unused clothes in them, sure, but you can do more than that. Implement framing and mount in metal shelves. Boom, you suddenly have a storage option with its own door on it. Great for food items or clothing that you don’t want bugs to get at.
43.) Metal Wire Sports Rack

In a similar concept to pegboard, wire shelving can be quite versatile. Yes, the holes are quite a bit bigger, but there are a ton of possibilities for storage. You can find hooks and shelving options that attach to the wire rack, creating a versatile option for sports accessories of all kinds. Balls, gloves, helmets, and even skateboards can all be stored in the same neat space.
44.) Cordless Charging Station

The DIY masters among us can all lament that finding the right tool is a challenge sometimes. Power tools, particularly of the cordless variety, can come in handy for just about any job. That is why creating a simple station to hold cordless tools and their chargers can be so valuable. You can keep it as simple as you want or even mount the chargers for easier access. The possibilities are what you want them to be.
45.) Canoe/Boat Holder

If you find yourself enjoying a river rafting trip or a quiet day on the lake, having a small canoe or paddleboat can come in handy. But what do you do when it comes time to store them? They can take up a ton of space no matter how you cut it and you may want to save that space for other things. But with a few simple rounded brackets, you can create the perfect ceiling mount to keep your canoe or boat stored safely.
46.) Skateboard/Snowboard Holder

Enjoy the more extreme activities but don’t have a great spot to store your stuff? Well, it is easier than you think. You can create DIY racks for holding your favorite board with just a few simple mounted hooks. Find hooks that are angled up a bit higher and you will have the perfect spot to hold your boards securely and out of the way.
47.) Full-Service Bike Rack

This can be achieved by either using a few different metal rods or with the wood of your choice. But the goal is to create a few sizeable openings that will slot the front tire of your bike. You can even add a shelving unit at the top for water bottles, helmets and anything else you might need. Get as simple or fancy as you want to create an effective bike storage option.
48.) Shelving for Bins

We all have more than a few storage bins to our names. Whether it be old clothes, toys, decorations, or a million other things, those bins can start to overtake our free space. Creating a storage space involves a few brackets and a little time. You can create the perfect width and height to accommodate your storage needs, keeping everything neatly organized and out of the way.
49.) Custom Storage Box

This one can be as simple or complicated as you want. It starts with the outer box. You can add dividers of any size and number. Just measure a few plastic containers that you plan to use and adjust accordingly. This can make for a great spot for small tools, first aid kits, or anything else that can easily be lost in larger storage containers.
50.) Mud Room

We all try to keep the mess out of our house. But when the weather turns inclement, it can be difficult. That is, unless you have constructed a mudroom space. It doesn’t have to be complicated: a few hooks, a bench for seating, and rubber flooring or mats to handle the mess. You can then keep all the messiness of the outdoors in one space and out of your home.
51.) Rolling Storage Cart

If you have a workbench built, you may or may not have drawers built-in. If you don’t, you can create a truly versatile and unique storage option that goes with it: a rolling storage cart. Just find a small metal cabinet, mount a wood topper to it that matches the surface of your workbench, and mount some wheels. You can bring the important items with you all throughout the garage.
52.) Hanging Wall Shelf

Do you like the versatility of a standing storage shelf but not being able to reach the top? Why not flip the script? By having hanging wall shelving, you can utilize the easier-to-reach underneath space while getting the same great storage at eye level. You can add as many shelves as you need to accommodate your different storage options, too. Or, you can get creative and add some pegboard behind one of the open spaces and create a versatile, easily accessible storage option there as well. The possibilities are truly endless here.
53.) Garage Slat Wall

Slat walls offer a great deal of versatility. But sometimes those plastic slats don’t quite hold up to the wear and tear that you put on them. So why not make your own wooden slat wall? Grab a few 2x4s and mount as many as you need to get the job done. Creates an unmatched level of versatility with a few hooks and screws.
54.) Folding Workbench

Love having the space to work on projects but not the space a workbench takes? Why not have the best of both? You can find long mounting brackets with hinges, making it possible to fold down your workbench surface when not in use. Great for particularly tight spaces.
55.) Wooden Extension Cord Organizer

If you have more than one extension cord – like a few really, really long ones – storing them can be a pain. But with a wooden mount, an extended arm, and a few mounted hooks, you can create a comprehensive station to meet your needs.
56.) Ceiling Mounted Container Storage

Don’t like the accessibility of using metal racks for ceiling storage? How about creating mounted wooden “brackets” with a built-in flange? The flange will hold the lip of the plastic bin, making for convenient storage. Just make sure that the bins are properly sealed, otherwise, that could turn into a huge mess in short order.
57.) Wheel Barrow Storage

Having a wheelbarrow means hauling materials in bulk with ease. But storing that wheelbarrow can result in major frustration if you do not have the proper options. With just a few small pieces of wood and a couple of screws, you can create the perfect holding option. Simply tip your wheelbarrow upright and slide it between the screwed-down pieces. It will hold securely and neatly in place until you need it next.
58.) Mounted Full-Sized Cabinets

We all know how beneficial cabinets can be. But what if you could do more with it? Instead of keeping things on top of the cabinet where they can be out of reach, why not store them underneath. Mount the cabinet up off of the floor, ensuring that they are mounted to studs. This way, you can create storage underneath while also getting the benefit of cabinets for full storage.
59.) DIY Lumber Shelves

Find yourself working with lumber quite a bit but don’t have adequate storage options? Here’s a simple way to go about it. With a long piece of lumber as the connecting point, mount triangle shelves all throughout. Just ensure that you mount to studs because the weight can be too much for drywall or plaster walls.
60.) Galvanized Walls Using PVC Pipe Tool

Find yourself taking on a lot of DIY projects? Then there is a good chance that you have a lot of longer tools. Things like rakes, brooms, shovels, weed eaters, and more can all take up more space than you think. But with a little PVC pipe, you can create holders that keep them neatly organized and out of the way. Easier storage means less mess, which means more space for other storage options.