15 Things My Father Taught Me

My youngest brother recently flew across the country to visit me for a couple days and I found myself faced with that periodic question of what values or cool things I wanted to impart to him. The reality is that it’s unbelievably easy to just go through life without putting intention into the relationships around us, particularly those who look up to us in ways we don’t even realize. So I’m always fascinated when I come across articles where men talk about the things that older mentor figures in their lives taught them, whether that figure was a father, friend, or Uncle John…    

Which is why I was so happy to come across this piece entitled “15 Things My Father Taught Me” from the editors at Popular Mechanics. Check out for some good reading and gather some good ideas you may want to pass on to youngsters yourself. 

Let us know what things your father figures taught you that you appreciate or that have always stuck with you. I’d even be interested to know what things you wish you’d been told that you never were.