Cool Site of the Day: Bohemian Rhapsicord Turns “Bohemian Rhapsody” Into a Playable Instrument

created at: 11/07/2011

While the image above works as a pretty amazing piece of digital art on its own, its actually the entire five minutes and fifty-eight seconds of Queen’s “Bohemian Rhapsody” mapped out into playable component parts.

It’s cleverly dubbed “Bohemian Rhapisichord,”and was created by Jennie and Paul Lamere for an event over the past weekend in Boston called Music Hack Day. Begin by clicking the samples (or press shift and mouse over) and when you’ve found one you like, press shift and a key on your computer keyboard to assign it to that key. Then, the real fun begins.

created at: 11/07/2011

It takes a minute to get set up, but once you’ve armed your keyboard, you can whip out crazy remixes. Super fun.

Bohemian Rhapsichord