Blow My Mindsday: December 3, 2014

Each Wednesday, I post some of my favorite can’t-miss links, images, and otherwise mindblowing goodies from across the web.

created at: 12/03/2014Scientist take a serious look at what’s actually happening when you mix orange juice and toothpaste, and why it tastes so very, very bad.    

Turns out, its not just the sweetness in your toothpaste that combats with the acidity in the OJ, but a specific chemical reaction that, you know, destroys your phospholipids. Oh, what are those? Check it out: 

Someone keep snatching your craft brew? Check out this DIY beer bottle lock by Jon-A-Tron

Last year, Spin assembled this collection of modern and indie rock holiday songs. Still sounds pretty good this season, too.

Foodbeast offers ten solid ideas for seasoning a steak

This serious two-tiered table project is actually built from relatively inexpensive wood and some standard techniques. Go check it out!