How to Take Great Photos: A Guide for Makers, Crafters, and Artists

created at: 04/22/2013

Whether you make handmade goods to sell online, want to take great images of your creations to pitch to publishers and media, or just want to document your own creative life online, you simply can’t get away with crummy photos anymore. In the age of visual-driven social bookmarking and publishing, artists and creatives must not only be comfortable with their own materials and media, but develop basic photography skills to capture their good work to share with the world.   With that in mind, Etsy created this helpful introduction to the craft of great product photography for beginners. Though targeted at Etsy sellers, this quick video has lots of great tips for using what you have – a camera, natural light, found backdrops – to create great photos of whatever you make. 

Learning how to take great photos is one of the most important things you can do to improve your Etsy shop. Since prospective customers can’t see or touch your item in person, photos communicate an item’s beauty and important qualities. Beautiful photos will also help your items to be featured both on and off of Etsy.

Luckily, taking great photos is a skill that you can learn! If you look at the early sold items of many sellers with wonderful pictures, you’ll see that they started just where you are now.

Check out the full post here, and watch the video below!