The Basic Principles of Design: An Introduction

Art and inspiration blog Fuel Your Creativity argues,

For the masses, the internet is both a valuable resource, and possibly the source of a design epidemic. People have flooded the internet looking for design content, and while you might not need to learn the basics before attempting a stellar gradient in Photoshop, there will come a point where this style is left behind and a new style reaches popularity. The fact is, the fundamentals of design will never change. They are the glue that holds the design industry together and to reach success, we need to learn these from the very beginning.

And with that, they offer a minimalist introduction to those basic fundamentals: The Lost Principles of Design   Chad continues,

When any variety of these principles are combined a design becomes very successful and hard to ignore. That design commands your attention, it guides your eye through and keeps you visually entertained. Combining these principles together is referred to as Gestalt – a configuration, pattern, or organized field having specific properties that cannot be derived from the summation of its component parts; a unified whole.

Check out the full tutorial on Fuel Your Creativity: The Lost Principles of Design