Super Cool Weekend Project Idea: Build These Standing Desk Pulley Lamps


John Culbertson

I love old pulleys. I love ropes and the sound of vintage things that creak and anything that bespeaks life on the high seas. Inasmuch as I can integrate those loves into my life, I'm happy to, and this standing desk / pulley lamps system seems like a great place to start…     

In honesty, I'd be more inclined to start with a Craigslist/Ebay hunt for some vintage pulleys, John Culberton of recently trotted out this incredibly in-depth guide for making some entirely from scratch. We're talking right on down to the handmade LED wiring. 

The heights are adjustable and the designs could easily be simplified to be constructed with fewer parts. Let us know what you think and if the pulleys' nautical feel can keep you from knocking peoples people's hats off.