How to: Plan the Best RV / Tiny Home Road Trip

I once was hired to write a series of brochures for a product line of mobile homes and found myself becoming incredibly drawn to them. They’re just so cool! So streamlined and efficient for living (though not for the environment), not to mention the whole, pick and go anywhere at any time you want thing.   My only real exposure to the RV community was when my brother and I rafted the Mississippi River and were stranded in a motor home community for a week after our motor caught fire. I was blown away by the camaraderie and simultaneous sense of a stable community coupled with a hearty vacation vibe and knew I would one day want to be a part of something like that.So if you’re interested in dabbing your foot in the water, check out this insightful guide from Popular Mechanics on How to Plan The Best RV Trip Ever.  You don’t necessarily need an RV to take advantage of the guide though. A tiny home or even living from a van would do just fine…