DIY Holiday Idea: Easy 3D stars

3D stars

As we dust off our Christmas decorations, there are plenty of great memories being pulled out of the weathered boxes. But some of the holiday hangings just don’t have much cheer left in the faded colors or scratched finishes. Give an early gift by making a set of these 3D stars that bring a touch class to the room.   While I’m not usually a fan of making much out of cardboard, the instructions transfer well to larger posterboard, or thin metal for a much more durable set of stars. Take a look at the full DIY steps and resources here.

Star Pattern

Overall, the simple project can be finished in a nice coat of paint to match up with the room and likely stick around long after the holiday. We have had a set of metal 3D stars in the kitchen for years, and they tend to go with just about any theme.

Plan on doing this project? Show us the final results!